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Flourless Eggplant Parmesan: Here is the Perfect Recipe

Yields8 ServingsPrep Time1 hrCook Time2 hrsTotal Time3 hrs

Layered like a cake, with caramelized tomatoes and gooey, stretchy mozzarella for the cake’s icing, our Flourless Eggplant Parmesan is perfect. Dare we say, you’ve never tried anything like this Flourless Eggplant Parmesan. And that is true even if you hail from Italy. Bite after bite, eggplant and cheese melt in your mouth. Without even a dash of sugar, tomatoes are deeply sweet. Roasted only with oil, eggplant slices are luscious. Not only is the Flourless Eggplant Parmesan irresistibly delicious; it is also nourishing. No flour, sugar or eggs. Want to know how we attained the perfect taste and texture, without sacrificing the nutrition? Of course, we hid the secret in the recipe. Fine … we’ll whisper the secret into your ear: We double-caramelize the tomatoes, slice the eggplants and mozzarella paper-thin, and add fresh herbs.

Flourless Eggplant Parmesan in a cut slice, paleo, grain free, gluten-free, egg-free, by Foodjoya

What You Need:
 2 eggplants (2 lbs total), thinly sliced in 0.2 inch slices
 0.70 oz basil leaves, stems discarded (about 1 package), roughly chopped. Please don't be tempted to use dry basil.
  cup avocado oil or organic olive oil for roasting eggplant slices. Avocado oil is preferred because of its higher smoking point. Hint: eggplant loves oil; it soaks oil almost like a sponge.
 1 tbsp avocado oil or organic olive oil for the tomato sauce
 5 medium to large garlic cloves, pressed. Use more if you like your eggplant garlicky.
 ½ cup finely grated Parmeggiano Regano.
 12 oz fresh mozzarella, preferably mozzarella di bufala (feel free to use up to 16 oz if you prefer more), sliced in paper-thin (0.1 inch) slices (as thin as you can). You can find mozzarella di bufala at Costco, but its quality varies.
 6 medium shallots, sliced first lengthwise and then crosswise
 4 18.3 oz jars chloride-free, BPA-free organic diced tomatoes. This recipe calls for 4 jars of 18.3 oz.
 5 long sprigs of fresh thyme, stems discarded
 1 tbsp Kosher salt for salting eggplant. Although this step is optional, it makes eggplant sweeter and silkier. Note also that the salt will be washed off.
What to Do:
Optional (Helps Make Eggplant Sweeter):

Place eggplant slices in a colander set over a sink and sprinkle with 1/2 to 1 tbs Kosher salt. Cover with a flat plate and a heavy object on top (e.g., a bottle filled up with water) and let drain for one hour, turning once or twice. (Never leave overnight or for more than three hours, as the salt will harden the eggplant.)


When done, thoroughly rinse the eggplant slices with water and tap dry with kitchen or paper towels.

Prepare the Tomato Sauce:

In a 4-qt Dutch oven, over low-medium heat, warm up 1 tbs avocado oil. Reduce heat to low. Add the sliced shallots and thyme leaves and cook, uncovered, stirring, until soft and translucent but not yet browning, for about 4 to 6 minutes.


Stir in the diced tomatoes and garlic. Increase heat to high and, periodically stirring, bring to boil. Reduce heat to low, and periodically stirring to avoid burning, simmer the sauce, uncovered, for at least 35 minutes. The sauce is ready when it looks like a chunky puree and reduced by half. (Want to know why we cook the sauce so long? Easy answer: once the liquid has evaporated, the tomatoes begin to caramelize.)


Off heat, stir in basil. Let the sauce cool and transfer into a medium bowl. No need to wash the Dutch oven; you'll reuse later in the recipe.

Roast the Eggplant:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line a large baking sheet with the unbleached parchment paper. (We were using our gourmet convection oven, but a conventional oven works too.) Arrange the eggplant slices side by side (they can overlap around the edges) and brush them with 1/3 cup avocado oil. (Yup, that's a lot of oil, but eggplant soaks it up like a sponge.)


Roast for 15 minutes, turning halfway to avoid burning. When ready, let cool for 10 minutes.


Place 4 tbsp of the tomato sauce on the bottom of the 4-qt Dutch oven. Then arrange the eggplant slices on top of the sauce, laying the slices flat. (Make sure to cover the sauce fully. It's okay for the eggplant slices to overlap around the edges.) Then, on top of the eggplant layer, place another 2-3 tbsp of the sauce. On top of the tomato sauce, loosely arrange mozzarella slices. (The mozzarella slices should not overlap.) Sprinkle mozzarella slices with 1 tsp Parmeggiano.


Repeat again, starting now with the eggplant slices (followed by the sauce, then by the mozzarella slices, and finally by Parmeggiano). When you reach the top eggplant layer, you can add only the sauce and increase (to about 2 tbsp) Parmeggiano. (No need to place mozzarella on the top layer, but you can.)


Cover the Dutch oven tightly with a lid. Bake the dish at 400 degrees for 1 hour. Because the dish is extremely hot, please let it cool with the lid on to about room temperature before serving. Slow cooling with the lid closed will help redistribute the juices and intensify the rich flavors! The Flourless Eggplant Parmesan is ready to enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

Servings 0